Warning - serious topic ahead.
I am here to dispell the myth that has been spread by some people that I know -who say that they heard it on the radio, or heard it from a friend of a friend, etc.
The rumor/myth/mis-information? That the family who gives permission for their loved one's tissues to be donated are charged for having this done. I know people who have chosen to take the "x" off of the donor box on their driver's license based upon this false information.
Why do I know or care about this? Well, my husband has the honor of harvesting tissues. It takes a special kind of person to do this job and, even more important, a very special family of the donor who are willing to make hard decisions during a very difficult time.
Those who have chosen to help others in a time of personal tragedy are doing the ultimate recycling. I am not saying that sarcastically - I am totally serious.
Check the box on your driver's license. Tell your family of your wishes. There are so many that can be helped and you won't need the parts.