
Peer Pressure, Speaking

Peer Pressure - family members on my favorite husband's side communicate with one another via myspace. I have an account so I can be listed as a "friend" and see some accounts kept private, but do absolutely NOTHING with it. I don't have the time, the high speed access nor the inclination to keep up with the cool graphics and other features I see out there. I do, however, enjoy catching up on the family news. It appears that one niece has received a significant promotion, another has a new job and possibly a new relationship, and one of my favorite husband's sisters has passed an exam for her job. We did get the 'heads up' that one nephew is getting married in August, but much of what used to be a telephone call or an e-mail is now out there on myspace. Not commenting re: good/bad, just there.

Speaking - Next week I am giving a series of five seminars on homeschooling. Someone referred to me as "an experienced homeschool parent." I still don't feel like it, but realized that after doing this for 11 years, I probably am.

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