
Here we are

Arrived yesterday - 20 pregnant sheep, one pony. Sheep shorn last week, due to lamb beginning 4/7.

Spotted this morning - one coyote running along the road less than one mile east of our house (considering a mutton meal?).

Car - it was a fuse! (read: easy fix)

Confusion - comparative lit class, certainly evolving and not as presented by the professor. Promise - this will not be an "A" class, much to my disappointment, although interpersonal communication class instructor would say that I am not projecting the correct vision for the future. Let's just call it reality. Plans have not been made to have a working knowledge of Heidinger, Socrates, Plato, Sofres, Freud, Jung, etc., (spelling? much less...) despite the assignment received at 10PM last night via e-mail to have prepared for Tuesday at 9AM. Is this lit or psych?

Outside - two kids Saturday night, sleeping. YES, voluntarily - working on an honor for winter camping. I'm supposed to do it too - auggh.

Strep throat? - youngest child ill since Weds. evening w 103+ fever, sore throat Saturday night w white spots. Off to have a swab, rapid results - negative. Ahh. Sleep for me for Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat? Minimal and not uninterrupted.

Sleep needed - not happening until Thursday night.



Two more things

1. Lest you be concerned that the children are being neglected (I may have left you with that impression!) - my schoolwork is done at 5AM and 9PM. Why did I spend so much time sleeping before this semester??

2. I am an aunt again - my brother and his wife became parents to a second lovely little girl. No name yet, but a girl born on St. Patrick's Day should be Bridget or something like that?? Probably not.

Out of the Loop

Yes, I've been out of "it" - full time school, full time kids, full time house, full time, full time, full time (hit the record player, there's a skip).

Brief update:

Car - back up and going - ball joints, tie rod ends replaced. #1 son learned a lot about front end work. Amazing former mechanic husband. Now to fix that pesky problem that showed up this week - headlights go on and won't turn off, the dash lights are out. Obviously electrical - replaced the headlamp switch - didn't work. Small repairs such as these sure beat a monthly car payment.

Husband - Recovering from a bout of mild flu-like symptoms. Enjoying his new position at work as house-wide float, PIC nurse and something else that I don't recall. Looking forward to fishing with #1 son. His family - Mom had heart rhythm problems; hospitalized and sent home w incident monitor..more to follow on this.

#1 son - Braces removed; height measured 6'1.5". Found out that his sister's jeans fit around the waist, but certainly don't have the length needed; doing incredibly well in math (absorbing concepts I must have slept through in algebra); becoming quite handy around the house/farm.

#1 daughter - Headgear on (the same day brother's braces were removed - fortunately the ortho's office takes payments and has up to date magazines because I'm going to be going there forever); 5'7" tall at 12 years old - recently celebrated a birthday; very capable in the kitchen; looking forward to lambing time which is scheduled to start 4/7; enjoys "Wednesday school" as there are two very nice girls her age who are good friends.

#2 daughter - Keeping with her brother and sister; recently talked Grandma into roller-blading in my kitchen(!): Loves Wednesday school (would now be a good time to say THANK YOU to those who have sponsored the kids? - I guess every day would be that time); also looking forward to lambing; lives in superlatives so she LOVES her babydolls, her cat and doing everyting everyone else is doing.

Dog - "fixed" after Christmas - don't worry, we can't even tell that anything ever happened.

Farm animals - #7 sheep died this week, don't know why; considering getting rid of all chickens or possibly keeping 1-2 in a small cage due to avian flu issues; sheep to be shorn before start of lambing - perhaps when they come to their summer home which isn't feeling very summer-like right now at a chilly 30 degrees.

Me? - see above. No, really I'm taking 4 classes which could be overwhelming if I allowed it to be, but I breathe into a paper bag and am just fine. Taking 400 level comparative literature; 300 level elements of health; 200 level interpersonal communications and 100 level fundamentals of music. Three are on-line, one in classroom two hours a week. Finals are the first week of May so don't expect me back here before that time. I am trying to figure out a way to get a small desk into the main part of our very small house so I can have my school work in an single place rather than spread out from living room to kitchen to family room - I need to find a desk for this too. School will be out before I get this project done. I'm trying to figure out if summer school is on the docket.

That's all for now folks.......