
What's up at our house?

I am still in school - 4 papers due in 4 weeks and not a complete thought to be found in my head (hence the updated blogging - procrastination at its finest). My "a" in intro to psychology is still holding, we'll see how comp I is looking after I meet with the teacher today.

The kids are great. They haven't been riding the horses quite as much because of deer hunting season. I know, most hunters are incredibly responsible and wouldn't shoot at a horse and rider, but it's the odd weirdo (with a gun and ammo) that worries me - you know the stereotypical guy - he's been drinking, dressed in brilliant orange, has a gun and a deer tag, and the season ends in just a few days.

My favorite husband has been attending classes this week for work. It's odd to see him heading out the door in "civilian" clothes vs. the lovely maroon scrubs.

I've been doing the odd bit of cleaning - my mother-in-law is coming for a visit next week. She is quite wonderful and doesn't expect any special treatment, but hey - doesn't everyone clean when their mother-in-law comes to stay??

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