

Second semester is over. As promised (predicted, warned, forecast) grades won't be as stellar. Comparative Lit was a bear - more like a book club with not a lot of instruction and papers due with ambiguous requirements. The final day of class consisted of power point presentations. It was apparent that the expectations were not clearly laid out as no two were alike in either content or presentation.

Today has been a bit of lazy day - with moments of intense activity as I attempt to locate the floors of the various rooms in our home. I warned the children and small animals to get out of the way. I have 3 weeks off and then begin summer classes. No rest for the weary/behind schedule (like 20+ years). I also want to exercise more - that gets shoved way, way down on the list when the list is long.

I did meet with my advisor re: transferring out at the end of next year. She laid out a very ambitious and stupid plan that included taking 20 credits a semester including chemistry, microbiology and anatomy and physiology - while dabbling in economics, speech and some other humanities class - oh yes, and college algebra. Since I value my marriage and family, a lesser load will be taken. It will take longer, but I won't be living alone at the end of the year.

The children are all signed up for 4H. It seems to be a great program - I never participated as a child, not sure why - but it will be fun for the kids. Son #1 is looking at the Civil Air Patrol Cadet program. I have had a terrible time reaching the organization to glean information. This doesn't bode well.

The animals are all good. Favorite husband has been collecting fencing from various sources. We need to fence another section of our land in woven wire (the big squares) as 52 sheep consume a lot of grass. Despite the fact that we have 35 acres, it needs to be fenced prior to sheep use (or I put the kids on horseback out there to watch them all day).

#1 son is also planning to take drivers ed class at the end of this month, IF he completes all of his freshman work. Motivation at its finest.

Hopefully I'll be back a little more often.

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