
Field Trip

Wed-Fri of last week found the kids and I traveling to Thunder Bay, Canada, with 38 other people. This field trip was arranged through the 'Wednesday School' that the girls now attend (which is through a Christian school that invites homeschool students in every week). We left early, early on Wednesday morning, traveling through Duluth, MN and up the North Shore to Thunder Bay.

Activities while there included: a visit to Ft. William (amazing place - check it out), North America's largest amethyst mine, the Terry Fox memorial (again, google this young man - his story is incredible), Keccebaka (sp?) Falls, and much more. On the return trip to stopped at Grand Portage and Pigeon Falls. The combination of Fort William and the fort at Grand Portage made a great learning experience. Fort William is totally set in the period with all workers within the fort speaking as though the fur trade is currently happening. The staff at Grand Portage are dressed in period costume, but speak about the fur trade in present day terms. Our guide in the Great Hall at Grand Portage was exceptional. Experiencing both forts gave the kids a chance to understand how and why it all happened. This was the culmination of a year studying Canada at Wednesday school (or K4K as it is known). Additionally, it rounded out the study done several years ago on the state of Minnesota as the students did a unit on the voyagers.

Sadly, the teacher who made this all happen retired this spring. We do look forward to getting to know the new teacher, but will really miss Mrs. L.

We got home, to our house, at 1:30A Saturday morning. The kids and I slept all day Saturday and much of Sunday.

Hopefully, if the planets are aligned just right, if the bytes and megabytes are flowing through the lines correctly and IF no one calls in to break our very tenuous connection - I will share some photos in a future post.

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