I am feeling the pressure of having homeschooled our children since first grade/kindergarten/when they could say “mama” or whenever the first teachable moment occurred. Our son is 1.5 years away from heading off to university and the pressure is enormous.
Now, some would say that if I have done my job correctly he would be perfectly prepared, but I keep thinking of more things I should have taught him. Does he know the present perfect tense of every verb known to man, can he spell those tricky three syllable words that crop up in conversation only once in a lifetime, will his writing skills pass muster in his first composition class, who was the leader of Germany in 1856 (was there even a united Germany at this time in history?), what are the former names of all of those African countries that keep changing, will his instructors ask him who exactly taught you and why didn’t you change schools? The questions keep piling up and I am having difficulty finding the forest for the trees.