

I used to have the pleasure (?) of working with the mental health units of a  large hospital.  Occasionally an individual from one of the units would come through my office and ask me, in the course of conversation, how I was.  Generally my response was "fine."  "Oh, fine is not a feeling" was the 'appropriate' psychiatric response, "how do you really feel?"  Today my response would be 'numb.'
“Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.”



The other side of the desk

I have now spent one year (plus a few months) on the 'other side' of the healthcare 'desk' - in the clinical arena.  I can see where nursing can become very myopic - not seeing the big picture of the entire hospital, feeling like they are the only ones who care about the patients, when in reality, the entire facility should be about providing excellent patient care, in whatever capacity.  I see the value in the surveys - if the results are used as tools and not clubs.  The view from the other side of the desk...

One week before BMT

My kids
