
Animals, animals

Animal update:

1. Baby chicks everywhere. Hens are not offering eggs to people, but rather hoarding them in nests in the grass, in a corner of a shed, under piles of wood. Lots of babies.

2. Dog-sitting my parent's dog, Moco. She is a good dog, but loves to sleep on the couch. She has no shame or embarrassment about it.

3. One calf died (three left) despite the best efforts of all involved (especially the kids). They were quite sad. Lots of digging to do after that one. #1 son measured the dead and then measured the hole - 5'x4'. We took turns using the shovel. Took the good part of an afternoon.

4. The sheep are good, very good. We loaned three out to a friend who wants them to mow down grass and play with her kids. We sent our three bottle lambs to her house. I think we could make some $ this way! :).

5. Hank, our dog, failed 4H dog class. This makes the third time he has failed the basic class. Everytime we see progress, but not enough to pass. Developing.

6. Barn cats, barn cats available. Choose your color. 25# of food disappears weekly.

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