
Happy Birthday - "Little" One

Today we celebrate our youngest daughter's 9th birthday. Nine years ago, I labored on Labor Day. She was a scheduled induction and my doctor showed up in the morning wearing shorts and sandals heading out to a party. He checked in on me every two hours or so and was in frequent contact with the nurse. We were blessed that all of my brothers and their significant others were available to care for our oldest two children as we had commuted from North Dakota back to Illinois to have the baby (can you tell I LOVED my OB-and had to COBRA insurance and had to stay "in the plan?"). Following her birth (with my physician approporiately attired and present), we were surrounded by family members - all of us awed by yet another miracle.

I celebrate her birthdays with great joy, but a tinge of sadness as the little girl is rapidly disappearing, replaced by a delightful adolescent.

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