
It's Crushing Me

Often (since retirement from "real" work) I am asked, "and what do you do?." This is after I have told the person that I just met that I homeschool my children, run a small hobby farm and just keep myself upright. I have found the perfect response. I look the person who is gazing at me (with that stupid expectant look) and say (trying to keep a straight face), "I do laundry." Usually there is no response other than the look of disgust as they try to glide away, no, they run away to make conversation with someone who they believe can handle the theory of quantum physics.

Clothing in the summer is smaller and doesn't seem as burdensome, and besides, I can leave it in the clothesline for two days, calling that rain shower an extra rinse cycle. Out of sight, mostly out of mind. Anyway, winter laundry is huge - and with a teenage boy, the laundry is extra, well, gross. If you must know, it's the socks. Teenage boys, or at least ours, finds every bit of dirt and collects it on his socks. I know, that means he is working or playing in the dirt, but the white loads of laundry....

I'm whining. More jeans to dry and fold!

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