
Friday Four

I have heard about the Friday Five, I choose the number four.

What is your favorite thing about each of the four seasons?

1. Winter - all is clean and fresh.
2. Spring - not much there aside from newness. I don't like the mud that comes from melting snow. Probably the lambs are best.
3. Summer - walking on the gravel road, watching the kids play and being able to hear them when the wind is blowing just right.
4. Fall - my favorite. The mosquitos are gone, everything feels crisp. The wheat is ripe and golden - it ripples.

A quote for you - "But under the hard and bitter rind of winter, there is much loveliness. The white mystery of snow is a splendid thing; all the landscape is muted to a deep silver laced with blue shadows. The meadow is a sea of pearl with scattered dark masts of brier riding the foam. The cool, clean smell of snow is in the air, a special fragrance known only to winter country." Gladys Taber, Stillmeadow Seasons

I don't know Gladys but I need to take her words to heart. There is so much about winter that makes it easy not to look beyond the cold and whiteness.

Take a moment.

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