
A Sighting!!!!

What did I see? It's a rare thing - seeing what I saw today. Before I share the actual sight, let me tell you that this is an event that occurs so infrequently that there are few that can give an eyewitness report. I've seen it, in my own front yard. No, it's not that long-lost woodpecker, not an insect. It was a farmer in shorts (gasp). Oh, you city people are tuning out right now. I can hear thinking (I do have that gift) - Shorts - everyone wears them after coming home from a hard day's work. NOT here. No way. Farmers are fully dressed at all times and on all occasions.

My best examples come from my great-uncles with whom my father farmed when I was young girl. We lived in the center of ND and my great-uncles were mostly grain farmers - sunflowers were just being cultivated in our part of ND. The "uniform" for a well-dressed farmer was work boots (not tennis shoes), blue jeans (no designer names please), a t-shirt (usually white), and a cotton long-sleeved shirt over the t-shirt. OH, I nearly forgot the hat, always a hat. Generally the farmer advertised the seed company that gave him the hat or perhaps his favorite implement dealer. A farmer's legs were NEVER seen. I mean NEVER. I am sure their legs were/are neon white.

It wasn't until I was well into my 20's that I saw my father in shorts - and that was on a super hot day in Michigan. Of course, he did NOT wear them out of the house. Now I have heard that my Dad wore shorts in Hawaii when he and Mom went there for one of my brother's weddings (his only wedding - 3 brothers). There was supposed to be photographic evidence brought back. Wouldn't you know it - every photo that was taken of Dad in shorts had him behind a bush, standing behind the car door. It reminded me of Wilson on Tool Time.

OK, back to the shorts - funny story to go along with it. When I was a child the very small town where I lived decided to build a swimming pool. Funds were raised. Everyone thought it was a great idea for the kids. Well, the pool staff put together a schedule of lessons - and there was an adult lesson time set for the evening (had to do it after the farmers were out of the field). Wives literally dragged their farmer husbands to lessons as there must have been an advertisement that said couples attend together. My parents took the lessons (peer pressure). I would love to have been a mouse in the locker room when the farmers all put on their newly purchased swimming trunks. Picture the tan lines - including the hat line. We had to wait in the car during the lesson, I never did see anyone's glowing white legs, but the stories are still being told about how my Dad sank like a stone.

I guess I should have had the camera out - you'll just have to take my word for it. And no, I'm not going to tell you the farmer's name.


Vertical Man said...

Hmmm. I'm sure there are LOTS of interesting tan lines in Nodak.

Anonymous said...