
What's Up?

We are doing home/farm kinds of things today. I have three loads of laundry drying on the clothesline with a fourth in the machine. Favorite husband is working on the starter for the tractor. The kids have been riding horses and are now going to assist with my task of cleaning out stalls in the barn.

Tomorrow we are going to celebrate my Dad's birthday. It was yesterday, but work/errands kept us all apart. We are going to have strudels as the main course. No, it's not the pastry strudel. Strudel is also a German dish of thinly stretched dough rolled up and steamed on top of potatoes (of course), onions and meat. Quite tasty, but time consuming to prepare. Usually we have it once a year - rarely twice. If you want to get crazy you pour cream on top of the whole dish. Can you count the calories and the fat??

The tame kitten count remains at 12. I think that will be all that have a chance of surviving the winter. Fall kittens usually do not make it. I'm really not enjoying buying a large bag of food every week. It's time to give some away. Anyone interested? You can pick your color.

Hank was at the vet this week for his "big boy" shots - rabies, etc. He has gained 15 lbs. in the last month. It's getting a little harder to move him when he doesn't want to go. Hank has picked up some sheep herding skills. Good dog!

#1 Son learned yesterday that his braces are on for approx. another 5 months. He is quite disappointed as the previous target date was October.

The final, for the moment, news tidbit is that we have received 2.5 inches of rain the past two days. Yes, that rain gauge is working nicely and I am the one who put it up!

Happy weekend to you.

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