

Well, it has happened again. Yes, skunk trouble. My favorite husband was coming home from work late one night last week. He opened the door to our cold porch and surprised a skunk who was eating dog food. Unlike the previous surprises, this skunk decided to let loose with it's favorite weapon - without any warning. The odor, or rather stench, was overpowering and throughout the house immediately - even though the actual back door was closed.

We woke Matthew up (how could the kids sleep with that overpowering smell?) and the two men cleared the porch of the winter coats, recycling bins and everything else in the way of the skunk's exit. He/she didn't choose to leave, so the choice was made for it - yes, a single shot took care of the offender, but the smell lingers on.

I burned candles, scrubbed the walls and cement on the porch, hung all of the winter wear on the clothesline - and yet it still continues.

The day after the "event" my favorite husband was at work and asked one of the other nurses to smell him. "I will not!" she said quite indignantly. After he explained that it was not for an inappropriate reason (and she is also from a farm) - she did give him a cursory sniff. Nothing. Ahh, home free. NOT QUITE - no more than five minutes later an aide came into the room and said, "I smell skunk!"

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