
Best Laid Plans

OK, here's what really happened today.

Homeschool done - check. Spent quality time with Matthew on his algebra. I'm astonished at what I retain from those classes years and years ago.

Cleaning done - mostly. I need a bigger house or less 'stuff'. I know, the books could go, but what we do? Every book is special to someone here.

Exercise - well....does 30 minutes on the treadmill count? Next week I begin a 12 week program that can be done at home - but will keep me busy in my spare time.

Mark has been chopping wood. Matthew splitting and the girls stacking. Mark tried to empty the burn barrel (where the non-recyclables, non-compostables are burned), but it is frozen to the ground. Plan B - haven't got a clue as to what that is.

Our weekend is, of course, quite busy. Church events, a birthday party at the bowling alley and a baby shower. Who says that people that live on the farm don't do anything besides watch the corn grow?

Happy weekend to you.

Oh yes - almost forgot. There are lots of folks who I want to wish a happy birthday, first names only, please - Jana, Dana, Elizabeth, Clarice, Dan, Bob, Kaylee, Elliot, John II, Laura, Natalija and Steve. That covers February.

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