
Due Date

No, I'm actually not referring to income taxes. I sent off our state return today- we owed a little bit of $ and I was going to keep it in the account until the last moment!! BUT, the due date I am writing about is the sheep due date. According to the calendar, today should be the first day of the birthing season. Obviously #20 didn't read the calendar. Neither did #15. She had two lambs, a boy and girl on Tuesday night. We found her and her babies when we went out to check on #10 and her prolapse.

It's a good thing Mark came out to assist as I hadn't tied #10 up quite tight enough so Mark, Matthew and I worked on the harness until about midnight. Mission accomplished. There haven't been any more problems.

Wednesday school was about spies. The kids had fun (and learned as well). They baked notes in cornbread, Matthew gave his report on Francis Marion (aka the Swamp Fox), did more learning (I'm not sure what as I was on kitchen clean-up and hanging out with other mothers), played outside and went to gymnastics.

This weekend is supposed to be beautiful. The weather guys are saying something about 80 degrees on Sunday - YES!

Well, happy weekend to each of you. I will write more as more babies appear.

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