
Nurses Day/Week/Year

OK, I've got to do it. Some kind soul commented re: secretaries day/week/year. He/She is a nurse and loves nurses week. Nurses week is highly over-rated. WAIT - keep reading. My husband is a nurse. I laugh when I think about how he might have fit into the whole nurses week scenario at the hospital where I used to work. Why laughing? Well, the highlight of the week was when nurses were chosen from each unit for "a day of beauty" when one of the education classrooms was transformed into a salon for the day. My six foot something, handsome husband probably wouldn't have been on of the honorees (although quite deserving to be recognized for his skill as a nurse). AND, the secretaries were called upon to serve the mostly delightful nurses (some not so nice) THREE meals. Yes, we ran our little high heels off while serving the nurses breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some ladies could have pulled away from the trough a little sooner - do they make scrubs that big?! (and it didn't hurt some secretaries to keep moving either).

I AM NOT SAYING THAT NURSES ARE NOT IMPORTANT! I live with a nurse - I know how hard he works. My brother is a nurse. I have a sister-in-law who is a nurse. All great care-givers and wonderful people. I also know that without the housekeepers, food service personnel, pharmacists, plant operations staff, telephone operators, yes - even adminstration, the whole place just wouldn't go right. I have to remind my nurse about that occasionally. Because he is the one who does the most patient care sometimes it is hard to remember that they are just a spoke in the big wheel of providing healthcare (a very important spoke - but just one of many).

Now, how many of you are still with me?

1 comment:

Vertical Man said...

Somewhere, there's a BIG, BIG, oversized needle with your name on it.